Tuesday 5 March 2013

Crafty mum

I've always liked craft fairs. From a young age I'd love going to any show, county fair or craft show, not knowing what there would be and excited about what new piece of jewellery for me or unique present I could find for my friends or family.

I do have a bit of a creative side myself but over the years I've done less and less, with work being the usual excuse for not indulging in a spot of arts and crafts.

Recently though, I've listened to people's suggestions that the things I have been making for my own home or the cards I give to people on special occasions are worth trying to sell to other people who may be looking for someone different and handmade to give to a loved one.

I'm still learning and have lots of ideas to try out and develop but I've started making items to sell and have done two craft fairs this month to test the waters. It's so hard to know what other people would like and how much they'd pay for something and with the kinds of items I make (small decorations for the home, decorated picture frames and canvases plus cards) there isn't a great deal of mark up to make as the cost of decent and varied materials all adds up. That's before you take into account the time it takes to create an item ready for sale.

When looking at craft fairs, you need to consider how much the table will cost you, the level of publicity in advance, the location of the event (how good footfall may be on the day to get passers by coming in who didn't know the event was on beforehand) and the parking facilities, as if you need to pay to park, that's another cost you have to recoup on the day.

I've done two different events now - one that cost more but both promised and delivered more in terms of footfall and sales and another which cost less but had a smaller turnout on the day. Every day at any location will be different but it has made me think about what will be best to do in the future, if I do keep this up.

I really would like to continue doing my crafts and may do one or two more before baby comes, as I have stock ready for sale. After baby is here, it's something I can do in my (albeit scarce) free time as something for me and a way to make a little extra money. I may look at setting up a Facebook page instead though as friends of friends as well as colleagues and family members have commented on photos I have posted and I've made sales as a result - which I never set out to do.

Anyways, here's some pics from my recent events:


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