Tuesday 19 August 2014

The shift

It may still be August, but I can't be the only one who has felt a change in the air these past few days; a cooler feel that may signal a shift in the seasons. I may be one of the few quite excited about this fact if it's true.

Summer has it's fantastic qualities, I'll give you that - long, light days, the promise of some sun, the sound of ice cream vans touring the neighbourhood in the evenings, everyone seeming happier as they go about their daily lives - but for me, Autumn has all other seasons beat. Hands down, no contest.

Autumn is the beginning of warm cardigans, scented apple and cinnamon candles, frothy hot chocolate and cosy nights snuggled on the sofa. It's the start of a season of celebrations, with Halloween, Bonfire Night and then the excited countdown to when the big fella in a bright red coat comes to town. I won't mention the word just yet. Even though I want to, I know some people just aren't ready, so I'm happy, for now, to keep my excitement contained. For now...

We went to the park at the weekend to a dog show event that happens every Summer, but as we sat there eating our picnic nibbles, the wind blew swirls of leaves around our heads and even our dog felt a chill in the air, as the sky turned a bit darker and we regretted not bringing the rain cover for the stroller.

It seemed that in the space of a weekend, we'd spotted a slight shift in the season that will soon be a full on change.

Last year, my love of Autumn found me writing another post, which happened to be my entry to the Center Parcs and Tots100 family blogger competition and it helped me win a spot on the blogger team (best news ever for a blogger like me!), so just another reason why Autumn is so good to me.

There's nothing I don't love about Autumn (although I could do without so much rain) and with Ethan finding his feet (hopefully) I can't wait to enjoy the new season with him soon.


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