Sunday 14 February 2016

#MySundayPhoto - Sea Life Centre

This weekend has been filled with animals. We went to Sea Life Centre Birmingham for their Ancient Oceans event (on over half term and until the end of the month) and today we are going to see some dinosaurs come to life at the Dinosaur Zoo at Birmingham Town Hall (today's the last day FYI).

So, I had to pick a photo from our underwater adventure for this week's #MySundayPhoto. I'll be sharing more in the week, and hubs has shared his favourite pic here, but for this post, I've gone with a shot from the sea tunnel, where a lazy shark stopped by to say hello...

Oh, and because I'm indesisive, I thought I'd also include one of the penguins swimming in formation - they're my favourite and they were really playing up to the camera yesterday.



  1. Anonymous14.2.16

    We love the water tunnels at SeaLife Centres! We could spend ages looking at all the fish and turtles! Great piccys #MySundayPhoto

  2. Anonymous14.2.16

    Great photos, we love getting so close to the sea life and learning about them

    Thank you for linking up

  3. Fab photos! It looks like a great day out x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'd love to go to a sea-life centre where you can "walk" under the water. (Correct comment this time!)

  6. We love it at the Sealife Centre too, great captures! #MySundayPhoto

  7. That tunnel is amazing, just like swimming with them!

  8. Anonymous17.2.16

    Awww looks like a fun trip! Pretty photos =) #mysundayphoto


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