Sunday 12 February 2017

#MySundayPhoto - four legged friend

I got a new camera this past week - the Sony A5000 - and I've been having a play with it and trying out all the settings. So far, so good and I am really enjoying experimenting and having fun with photography. When I have used it for a bit longer, I will probably share a post on here about it as I know myself that it's hard to choose a new camera and views from other people really help in cutting through the tech speak and understanding whether it would work for you and what you need.

I managed to capture a moment between Ethan and Watson, our dog. Ethan loves his four legged friend and recently has been very affectionate to him, giving him cuddles before we leave the house each day and cuddling him, saying he's his best friend.

These photos are really sweet and seem to capture the feeling between these two friends.

I've also chosen another photo for this week, on the same theme. Watson is such a characterful dog and I love how I have caught him in his usual pose and have been able to capture his quirky eyebrows and permanently worried expression.



  1. These are so precious! I love how they look at each other.

  2. Anonymous12.2.17

    What lovely moments to capture

    Thank you for linking up

  3. I had to pop over after your comment on my photo and yes they do look very similar! #MySundayPhoto

  4. Aww! That is so sweet! Such a lovely moment to capture x


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