Saturday 20 April 2019

Bag a baby bargain - Aldi's specialbuy event starts online Sunday, in store Thursday!

Sullivan is four months old now and growing all the time, so we are up a size in everything. Luckily Aldi’s Baby and Toddler Event is returning TOMORROW, so it's a great time to bag a great deal and to stock up on those essentials.

The Specialbuy event will be available online from Sunday 21st April and in-store from Thursday 25th April and, as always, they promise to have an amazing selection of products for little ones ranging from books and clothing, to travel chairs, bath toys and more, all available at low prices.

To give you a preview, Aldi sent us some treats straight from the event, so here's a few things you could pick up...

There's always some of those bigger items you need at these events, like this baby bath, and a really good selection across categories.

The clothes and accessories are well worth a look. I like the prints they bring out, with matching bodysuits, muslins, dribble bibs and towels and prices are great too; 3 dribble bibs for £2.99 can't be argued with!

My friend has one of these and I was so jealous - but now I have one! Here's to going on bigger shops... like the Aldi sale!

We really like the Mamia range and rate the nappies and wipes. I've also recently tried the formula milk which is a great price at £6.99 for 900ml (100ml larger than other brands, and a minimum of £1 less) and there doesn't seem to be any difference for us.

Aldi do characters and practical items best if you ask me. So many useful products and lovely bright colours to - these are just £3.99 for the set.

Other deals to be had in this latest baby and toddler event include a BabyBjorn carrier for only £44.99 and a lightweight travel cot for £34.99 (something we'll be taking a look at).

Check out Aldi's specialbuy page for when the baby and toddler event starts online on Sunday.

Do you look forward to special offer events like this, like we do? Be sure to follow me on Instagram for updates on the Aldi Baby and Toddler event and do let me know what you bag!

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