Sunday 18 April 2021

Danger Lurking: 5 of the Most Aggressive Types of Wasps

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Homeowners know that most wasp species are aggressive insects that cause painful stings if approached. Whenever they see common signs of a wasp infestation, the property owner needs adequate pest control to remove the nests and kill the wasps effectively. Since most nests contain hundreds of wasps, homeowners are advised against trying to eliminate the wasps on their own.

Professional pest control services will use appropriate chemicals to kill the wasps, and they can remove the nests from the property. Since some wasps create nests underground, the property owner should contact their preferred service provider at the first sign of the wasps. By learning more about the five most aggressive wasp species, homeowners know how much of a risk each wasp presents to themselves and their family.

1. Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are often seen during the summer and fall, and they are characterized by the yellow and black stripes that cover their bodies. The wasps are aggressive and will sting if they feel threatened. The yellow jackets burrow into the ground to create nests and reproduce. They are attracted to fruit trees and berries that are likely to fall onto the ground providing an immediate food source.

The most common place that their nests are found is around trees and any fruit-bearing bushes. They are also notorious for creating nests and colonies near flowerbeds. Most species of yellow jackets will die after they lose their stinger. Property owners that suspect that they have a yellow jacket infestation should wear shoes anytime they are outside as the insects could sting the bottom of their feet. Homeowners can learn more about removing yellow jacket nests by contacting a pest control service now.

2. Hornets

Hornets are a species of wasps that generally create nests underground. However, they may create nests in attics, decking, sheds, under the edge of a roof, and in hollow tree trunks. The hornets can become aggressive if anyone disturbs their nest. There are several types of wasps, including extra-large hornets, that have been seen mostly in Asia and Europe, but individuals have also claimed to have seen them in the U.S.

A primary food source for hornets is honey bees, and they will attack the bees to provide food for their colony. If homeowners notice signs of honey bee nests, they are more likely to have hornets on their property as well. Under the circumstances, the property owner must set up safe removal of the honey bees to decrease the risk of hornet nests. Since some species of honey bees are now endangered, the ethical removal of the honey bees is required to take them to a new habitat.

3. Warrior Wasps

Warrior wasps are incredibly aggressive wasps that attack all insects that get near their nests. They are often caused by drumming wasps, and they create excruciating stings if they come in contact with a human or animal. Once the warrior wasps use their barbed stings, they die almost instantly. The queen can produce 100s of warrior wasps in one nest and present a serious risk to the property owner and their family.

The body of the warrior wasp is similar to the shape of an armadillo's body. They create nests that look like combs and attach the nests to structures where the nest is less likely to get disturbed. The nests are often found in tree trunks, but the insects could create a nest on a porch or underneath a deck. Homeowners are advised to stay away from these wasps even if they do not have an allergy to the wasp's venom, as the warrior wasps are considered highly dangerous.

4. Paper Wasps

Paper wasps get their name from materials the insects often use when creating a nest or colony. The nest often looks like a paper comb and can hold hundreds of wasps at a time. The wasps are social insects and have worker wasps that bring food to the colony and protect the queen. The structure of their bodies is similar to that of a yellow jacket, but they are mostly brown in color to allow them to hide more effectively.

Common steps for reducing the attraction between the wasps and the home start with eliminating debris and keeping all plants and bushes pruned properly. If the stinging wasps do not have a location that is near fruits and other fruit sources where they can hide, they can't make a nest. They also love strong perfumes and fragrances around the home. Fragrant flowers are appealing to the wasps and make them an attractive place for a nest.

5. Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are within the same insect family as yellow jackets. However, they are not wasps exactly, but they are hornets. They have a color pattern that's similar to a yellow jacket, but they are mostly white and black. The hornets are larger than the average yellow jacket and will sting a human if they feel threatened.

The hornets build a nest that is suspended and above the ground. The worker hornets often fly around the nest to protect the queen. The queen bald-faced hornet is much larger than the average worker hornet and will attack if she is outside the nest.

When decreasing the risk of a bald-faced hornet infestation, the property owner must seal any tiny cracks or openings around their home. This prevents the hornets from getting into the structure to form a nest. The insects are attracted to strong perfumes and fragrances, and they cover their food when outside the nest.

Homeowners set up professional pest control at the first sign of a wasp infestation. Even if the property owner and their family aren't allergic to wasp venom, the insects still present some risks to the home's residents. Some wasps deliver such excruciatingly painful stings, that the homeowner or their family may need medical attention after they are stung.

Professional pest control services identify all wasp species and define the risk level to the homeowner. After they identify the exact species, the pest control service provides the most effective extermination method to rid the home of these aggressive insects.



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