Saturday 5 October 2013

Cookbook challenge: tray-baked chicken & squashed potatoes

Tray-baked chicken with wilted spinach and squashed potatoes

Day three of my #cookbookchallenge was spent using up the leftovers of day one and two as I always make too much - but sometimes recipes taste even better the next day.

My third meal from Jamie Oliver's 30 Minute Meals cookbook was tray-baked chicken, with paprika, oregano, lemon, cherry tomatoes and streaky bacon, with spinach, cooked with spring onions, garlic and parmesan, served with squashed potatoes, which basically are roasted red potatoes with the skins on, sprinkled with rosemary and lots of garlic and olive oil.

In the photo above, you can't really see the chicken for being buried under tomatoes but it was a lovely orange chargrilled colour.

This recipe was the most straightforward so far, requiring the least amount of equipment (yay, less washing up!) and it was full of flavour.

Hubs' verdict: Very tasty, chicken was really nice, more garlic on the potatoes next time but I'd eat this again. 8/10.

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