Thursday 24 October 2013

Frightfully good films for Halloween

It's a shame we don't celebrate Halloween on quite the same scale as the Americans. I love a good theme and as October is the start of my favourite three months of the year, why not squeeze in another good excuse for dressing up, eating themed foods and generally having a fun celebration?

I've got Ethan's pumpkin onesie all ready to go (I'm sure he'll thank me when he's older!) and we've got a tub of Haribo sweets waiting for any trick or treaters (if we don't eat them ourselves first!).

Taking a flick through Netflix, I think we'll have a themed day of frightful films. 

Here's my top picks for kids, big and small, to enjoy this Halloween:


Hotel Transelvania I loved this film when we saw it last year at the cinema with bump in tow. Adam Sandler is very funny as the voice of the Count, his daughter is super cute and there's lots of fun characters in what's essentially a sweet tale about a father who doesn't want to let go of his grown-up daughter. To Become Mum says: a great ghoulish family film to enjoy with children of all ages.

The Addams Family They're creepy and they're kooky and this film is fun but not too spooky for little ones to enjoy alongside you. To Become Mum says: this unusual family are very entertaining so why not watch it with your own Wednesday or Pugsley?

Hocus Pocus Disney does Halloween in this bewitching tale of three sister witches who come back to life after 300 years to wreck havoc. To Become Mum says: harmless fun for your wannabe witches.


Scream For me, the Scream series is the best scary film franchise out there. The first fil is still the best and feels quite nostalgic as it's so 90's in so many ways. Cheesy and full of jump-out-of-your-seat moments, I really like these films and will be watching them this Halloween, with popcorn and a cushion to hide behind at the ready. To Become Mum says: the original slasher series, grab your partner and snuggle on the sofa for a good scare. Don't watch alone though and don't answer the phone!

Halloween A classic and an essential at this time of the year, I defy you to not get a little tense when watching this film. When that creepy music starts and Jamie Lee Curtis is nervously walking down the street, sure she's being followed - ooh, it gives me shivers! To Become Mum says: it's an oldie but a goodie!

The Sixth Sense If slasher films aren't you're thing and you're more into supernatural scares, The Sixth Sense is ideal. If you haven't seen it before, it's full of suspense and surprises, if you have seen it, you'll watch it again spotting what you may have missed the first time. To Become Mum says: If you're a bit of a scaredy cat like me, this is a good choice as it's still pretty creepy but you'll not be looking through the gaps in your fingers the whole way through. Kids are always scary in films!

So, what films are you going to watch to get into the spirit of Halloween?



  1. Anonymous25.10.13

    I didn't even think about Halloween films, what am I doing?!!! I don't do well with proper scary films so I think I will just stick to the kiddie ones. Thanks for reminding me, I will have to have a film afternoon with Molly too xx

    1. I'm a bit of a scaredy cat too - I 'watched' The Woman In Black from behind a pillow the whole time! - so I picked the ones that are tame enough for me to cope with! Supernatural ones really get me, like when there's a strange sound in the house or something jumps out! Arghh!


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