Monday 12 May 2014

Meet A Mum Monday - Gemma Collins, Sunshine On A Cloudy Day

Happy Monday everyone! Today, I have a second lovely mama to introduce to you for my new Meet A Mum Monday feature - Gemma from the blog Sunshine On A Cloudy Day.

Pop the kettle on and let's get to know Gemma...

1. Hello, what's your name and where do you come from?

Hellooo, I am Gemma from Bedfordshire in the South East, England!

2. Tell us about your children.

For now I only have the one - Corey Lucas, three and a half years old :)

3. When did you know you wanted to be a mum?

Corey was unplanned and a little earlier than I expected at just 17. Despite wanting to be a young mum, I thought I would have a career, marriage etc thing sorted and wanted early 20's for my first child. But I wouldn't change my situation for that as nothing ever goes to plan eh?!

4. What's you favourite moment as a mum so far?

Oh wow, I don't even know where to start - how could I possibly choose?! Every night we have a thing were Corey will refuse to go to bed unless he has a kiss and a cuddle :)

5. What do you wish people had told you before you became a mum?

Erm I am not sure as I have been lucky enough to have it pretty easy with Corey like teething and crying  - but possibly just the pain of c-section!

6. If we were to look in your changing bag, what would we find?

I have a whole video on it here.

7. What were the top three things you had for your baby that you would recommend to other mums?

  1. Muslin Squares - great for swaddling, catching dribble, cuddly and to play with!
  2. Bouncer Chair - fun for the baby, great for when you need a shower etc.
  3. Metanium Cream - no other cream works as good, literally clears up nappy rash within hours.

8. What three things could you have done without?

I can't actually think of three things, but mainly the massive amount of clothes!!

9. What baby brands do you like and why?

  • Johnsons - such great products quality and value wise with such a wide range!
  • Pampers - have brand I would use for nappies and wipes
  • Next/Mothercare - baby clothes, great quality and wide range especially for boys which is had to come by!

10. Are you a working mum? If so, how do you find it?

Since Corey I have been working and not working - working full time was really hard and I struggled but was okay in a job I loved however part-time is a good mixture. I'm now soon to be part-time college student!

11. What do you enjoy most about being mum?

Ohhh this is almost as hard to pick as favourite moment, I just enjoy having Corey every day - couldn't imagine life without him and hate when a day goes by and I don't see him.

12. How do you make time for being 'you'?

Corey has time at his dad's every other weekend so I make the most of the "me" time - I tend to spend the time blogging and sleeping!

13. Tell us about your blog / where we can find you online.

I blog at a parenting, lifestyle and beauty blog.
Bloglovin is a great way to keep up to date on posts.
I have a tad obsession with social media too - find me on Twitter and Instagram.
Recently taken to the world of YouTube (new videos coming soon!)

14. What's the best thing about being a blogger?

A couple of things really; I enjoy having a place of my own, free to write whatever I want and about how I am feeling. Also the great community that comes with bloggers on social media, everyone is so friendly and love having a good old chit chat.

15. Share a crazy fact about yourself.

I am the worst at trying to describe myself in such a way, I don't even know what to say! Probably that I am really indecisive and that isn't even crazy haha :) Is it crazy that I am only 20 but feel 40?! 

Thank you Gemma - I've really enjoyed getting to know you better! Gemma is a really positive and friendly lady and this shines through on her blog, definitely a new one to follow if you don't already!


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