Tuesday 8 July 2014

Me & Mine - July

We may only be a week into July but we have been busy making memories as a family having just been to Center Parcs Sherwood Forest to celebrate my 30th birthday. I can't wait to share with you everything we got up to and what we enjoyed most later on this week (complete with photos, videos, advice and more photos - so it's not to be missed!) but for now, I wanted to share a couple of photos with you from a family shoot we had during our break for the Me & Mine project.

I'm keen to keep on documenting our little family and how we grow and change each month and aside from taking part in this photo linky each month (you can see last month's post here), I've also bought myself a Project Life starter kit. If you haven't heard of it before, it's basically a really simple but incredibly creative way to document your memories in a fun scrapbook. I will be starting ours soon and the photos below will take pride of place in it...

dear beautiful

1 comment

  1. Anonymous8.7.14

    Love the dinky little shoes!!!!


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