Tuesday 5 August 2014

My letter to Ethan at 15 months

Hello Buddy,

As I type this latest letter to you, you're crawling excitedly around the lounge, wearing a body suit and striped shorts, hair still damp from bathtime fun, chasing your football and playing with your Happyland figures. You're jabbering away to yourself, lost in your own conversation and gesturing here and there as you get animated about what you're saying.

You often play games with yourself, having conversations that only you understand, but we are gradually learning what you're saying and every day, you talk a little more and make a little more sense.

Your starting to call me Mum-mee now, following on from Ma-am then M-umm, and we're starting to get an idea of what your voice will be like when you can start talking to us properly.

This month, you've turned into a mimic, watching intently as we do things then trying to copy us yourself. You now tickle your feet when we take your shoes or socks off, saying 'tictictic!'; you put your hands on your face when you watch mummy wash hers with water; you pay your tummy or the floor if you see us do the same; and you shout 'P-ooh' and 'Tig' when Winnie the Pooh comes on TV.

Day by day, you understand more about the world around you and it's just fascinating to see. You try to join in conversations and you want to go wherever we go. You have had clingy days and the past few you have been a bit unwell. I think it's due to teething, but you've had a bit of a temperature and slept badly a couple of nights - one of which, you simply had to sleep on Mummy and nowhere else would you settle.

You're now in the big bath, all by yourself, surrounded by lots of wonderful toys sent to us by Munchkin, from a competition Mummy won. You love them and you love splashing around, crawling back and forth in the tub, hair slick against your head.

Speaking of which, I think we are going to have to take you for your first haircut soon. Your fringe and the length behind your ears is quite long now so you could do with a tidy up. We'll certainly be keeping your first locks safe and sound,you have such beautiful golden locks.

Since I last wrote, you and I have spent quite a bit of time together as Daddy has been working away and as we speak, he's the other side of the world for a few of days. He will be home soon and you will kick your legs and squeal with excitement as soon as you see him.

We went to the National Forest Adventure Farm the other day with Nanny and meand you got to see real life cows ('Mooooo!'), newborn piglets, sheep, ducks ('quac quacs!), guinea pigs and chicks just as they were hatching. Oh, and over 1,000 scarecrows too! We've been out for a picnic and played in Nanny and Grandad's garden, which is when we discovered you really don't like grass, and you've been to a family party too. 

You're a smart little boy and so, so friendly. The lovely ladies who look after you at nursery have been fighting over you as you're just starting baby room two and they all want to look after you. You're such a ladies man! We'll have to watch that as you get older...!

So, another month, another few milestones (you're almost walking, nearly there baby boy) and another load of memories to cherish.

Although some days can be tougher than others, mainly as there's lots going on and Daddy can't always be with us, I am thankful for every day I have with you. Even when I'm tired, I love you more than anything. Just remember that my beautiful boy.

Love and cuddles always,


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