Friday 2 January 2015

Me and Mine - 2014 round up

I love photos. I love looking back and remembering things I may have forgotten, the way things were and reliving happy memories.

I always wish I had taken more photos when I was younger, when at school, college and even uni, but I guess picture taking wasn't as easy as it is today, with a camera always in arms reach in the form of my phone, and a pretty good camera phone it is too.

I have thousands upon thousands of photos of Ethan and not so many of us as a family but I did try to make a conscious effort last year to take more of us together, stepping from behind the camera myself to be present in the images that I will look back on in years to come.

I started taking part in Dear Beautiful's Me and Mine project last year and very much want to make a real effort to do this each month this year. So, to remind me why and to remember the year that was, I've put together the snaps we had taken of us as a three in 2014.

Most of these are candid or unplanned or even photos of photos. It's really only been the latter part of the year that we had 'proper' photos taken of us but I don't mind - it's more natural to have a mix. However, the quality and the beauty of a well-taken photo can't be denied and I would love to have the kind family photos that Katie at Mummy Daddy Me takes (they really are quite special indeed). So maybe this will become a little project of mine this year? And I'll continue to update our Project Life scrapbook too as it makes memory keeping easy to do.

Now it's just time to go make some memories to keep.

dear beautiful


  1. I love these pictures - they all look so natural and you can see how calm and relaxed you all are.

    Lizzie Dripping

    1. Thanks Lizzie, I do like natural photos the best!

  2. I think the collection of family photos you have from this year is just lovely, and as you say, a good reminder of the year and a good prompt to keep taking more to add to the collection too I think.

  3. Thank you Lucy! You're photos are an inspiration so I do hope I can take more 'proper' photos but I agree, as long as you have a record, that's all that really matters.


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