Sunday 25 January 2015

#MySundayPhoto / #SilentSunday - happy / sad / sulking

It's probably a little mean to say it but the series of three photos below, taken just a minute apart, really do make me chuckle.

Hubs was looking after Ethan and he was happily drawing away at his table. Then, Daddy told Ethan not to draw on the table. Uh-oh. This resulted in a pout, then full on crying before settling on a sulky, 'I'm not impressed' face - Ethan, not Daddy.

Hubs sent me the photos and it really made me smile. I knew Ethan was fine, just having a funny five minutes, so seeing his quick changing emotions was really quite a funny sight. Little ones can really be so silly sometimes and these photos just really capture real life as a parent - plain sailing one minute then stormy waters the next before calm seas return mere moments later.

Kids. They do make you smile, don't they?


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