Sunday 5 April 2015

#MySundayPhoto / #SilentSunday

I'll be homest - I was having a tough day yesterday. Sometimes, Ethan can be dismissive of me and I can end up taking it too much to heart. I need to remember that he's only young, his wants and preferences change by the second almost and that it really isn't personal. 

Every parent is different and what Ethan needs from me isn't necesarily what he needs from his Dad or other people in his life.

And this photo, taken in the midst of his strop yesterday, reminds me of that.

And because it's Easter Sunday, here's a pic of some pretty fairy cakes I made:



  1. Beautiful photos Kelly. Sometimes we really do need to remember our children want different things from each parent and I had that yesterday with Leah as she needed poorly cuddles from me and play time with daddy when she was feeling more lively. x

    1. Thanks Bex, it can be hard but you're right, we can't all be everything to them x

  2. Gorgeous photo. Kids have magic like that don't they? Even after a really really tough day they can have one moment that makes it worthwhile.

    1. They really do! You're completely right :)

  3. Anonymous5.4.15

    The kisses I think balances the tantrums! The first one is a lovely photo and the second is just yum! Happy Easter! #MySundayPhoto

  4. Anonymous5.4.15

    Two beautiful photos, those cakes look yummy

    Thank you for linking up

  5. Delicious looking Easter cakes. Happy Easter


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