Friday 26 August 2016

Creative curls - review of Curlformers hair styling kit

I'm well known as the girl who changes her hair. A lot. From different styles to many different colours - and sometimes more than one at a time - I like to experiment and change my look up.

One thing I can't do, very well at least, is style my hair. More often than not, it's down and straight, sometimes with a twist at the bottom. It's not that I don't love other looks; it's more that I find it hard to recreate them on myself (it's always easier doing someone else's hair, don't you think?) and I often don't think a style will suit.

For special occasions, or when I can be bothered to do more than a quick blowdry and GHD routine, I will curl my hair. To varying degrees of success. To date, I've used sleep-in rollers, which are great for volume but do make it hard to lie on a pillow as your head is mahoosive, the bendy foam curlers, which are fool proof to use but more for a general wave / more of a messy look, and then my GHD's, although I can never create those loose curls that hairdressers seem to achieve with ease.

Step-in Curlformers.

I first saw videos online by various mums and users who have tried this curling system and was amazed at how quickly the curl holders can be applied - and the great results they create, without heat. So, when the opportunity came to review them, I couldn't wait to get started.

What are Curlformers?
Plastic spirals that you hook your towel dried hair through, that then stay in place while your hair naturally dries.

There's three different curl width options - barrel, spiral and corkscrew (I opted for spiral) - and different lengths too, so you can choose the Curlformer to suit your hair and desired look.

What's included?
In each pack, you get two different colours; these represent two different directions of curl, so you use one set on one half of your hair, and the other half on the other, for a more uniform look (feel free to mix it up, if you want to!).

There's also a couple of hooks. These are long wands with a hooked end, which is used to hold a section of hair.

How do they work?
Take one Curlformer spiral, squeeze the end so the spiral opens a little (as they're really twisted tubes).

Run your hook wand through the middle and out the end.

Then take a section, around 2cm in width, and place onto the hook close to the root. The closer to the root you go the higher up the curl will begin - so if you want a looser look or have long hair, bear this in mind.

With the Curlformer held lightly at the root, gently pull the hook wand so that it takes your section of hair through the spiral.

Release, then move on to the next section.

Top tip: use from the base of your head upwards, until all hair has been styled.

Now you can carry on getting ready or even go to bed, while your hair naturally dries, or a light blowdry can help speed things up.

Once dry, the Curlformers simply slide out - just pinch the base to release the section and gently pull downwards.

Rake your fingers through and finish as desired.

Watch this quick tutorial to see what I mean:

The results?
I let my hair dry for a couple of hours while I did some jobs around the house the first time I used them, as we weren't going out until the afternoon.

When I took the Curlformers out, I was really impressed by the structure of the curl and how soft it felt too.

Both photos taken just as the Curlformers had been removed

I didn't use any product on my hair but found after a quick play with running my fingers through and sorting a few strands here and there (I used my GHD's on my fringe section), that the curls looked really lovely and held very well.

We went to a BBQ and throughout, my hairstyle stayed in place, and even the next day I had a good curl to my hair.

At the end of the day

My verdict
I found Curlformers really easy to use and was pleased with the results. Here's what I'd say are the plus points:

- The spiral system is really easy to work out

- Colour coding helps you get the style just right

- Each Curlformer takes just a few seconds to put into place, once you have the knack of using the hook

- Curls dry quickly and have a natural, soft shape to them so no frizz or kinks

- The finished look really does hold and have good staying power, without product

The next day

As with any new method, I'd recommend you practice the technique and if you find that the hook doesn't pull your hair easily into the Curlformer, make sure the gap is pointing upwards and you can always release the tube and try again.

I haven't tried sleeping with them in - they are soft plastic so going to sleep shouldn't be too difficult, if you find a comfortable position on your pillow.

Prices for a styling kit start at just over £40 and I found that there were plenty of spirals to cater for my hair, with some left over. I really like how straightforward they are to use, although it can still take some time so best saved for special occasions, for me, and the results look natural and last well.

* Thank you to Curlformers for my spiral set - all opinions, and style results, are my own.


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