Tuesday 15 November 2016

Happy 4th birthday to TBM!

So, four years ago, I started on a journey. I had recently found out that I was pregnant and had begun reading all kinds of blogs for ideas, information and support. I decided that I too wanted to document my journey from bump to baby and beyond, for my friends and family and to make new connections too.

It would be my record, my space to share memories and things I love and somewhere I could be me.

And this week, my corner of the web turns four.


I've been here, chatting away about anything and everything that's been going in my life, and things that I have found along the way. The fun times, the tough times, the silly times.

I still love blogging as much as I did then but had no idea where it would take me and who it would introduce me to. It means a great deal to me and the relationships I have made with readers, followers and other bloggers, and the amazing brands I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with.

I've come a long way since my first post, and there's just so much I would love to do.

What's next for To Become...? Who knows! I'm going to keep on doing my thing. There's always so many ideas and things I'd like to do but so little time, being a full tome working mum. But my blog means a lot to me and it will continue to follow me and my family through our next adventures.

I hope that you'll come along for the ride.

A big thank you to everyone who has ever stopped by my blog and here's to the next four years...!



  1. Ahh! Congrats and well done. It's 4 years ago tomorrow for me and my blog!

    1. Wow, we both started at the same time! Thanks Kim, and well done to you too. What an achievement and something we can look back on with pride xx


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