Saturday 26 May 2018

To become mum... again!

So, we have a bit of news and I can't quite believe that it's really happening and that we can finally share this wonderful news...

We are going to have a new bundle.
Ethan is going to become a big brother.
Our family of three will become a family of four.
Just in time for Christmas (our due date is 8th December).


I've put together this little video to capture our excitement at this early stage and how we told Ethan our news...

I have lots to share and fill you in on - having been through a a miscarriage last June, and feeling incredibly anxious ever since as you can appreciate - and you can expect plenty of pregnancy updates and posts on how my journey to become mum again is going in the coming months.

But for now, I wanted to share our happy news and I am just thrilled to document and enjoy every stage... all the through to when the new member of our family is here and shows us what we never knew was missing.

Here's how hubs has announced our news to the world:

Join me for our next adventure...

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