Monday 30 December 2019

4 Ideas For Toys Your Children Have Grown Out Of

Children can grow out of their toys pretty quickly, and their bedrooms are soon filled with toys that they aren’t playing with anymore. Instead of just throwing them out, why not do something with them instead? Here are some ideas for old toys. 

* Collaborative post

With the children, go through all their toys and decide which ones they don’t want to keep. Choosing together is a good way to encourage them to keep their toys tidy. If you don’t have the space to store the toys while they decide, book out a storage unit  in to keep things out of the way.  

  1. Donate them. You can clear out old toys and teach your children about charity at the same time. Many women’s shelters take donations of toys for women with young children. See if one near you takes donations like this. You could also donate toys to a nursery or pre-school. 
  2. Use them for craft projects. Get on Pinterest and look for some things you could make using the toys. Use large toys as the base for a lamp, or add weights to smaller toys to turn them into bookends. Small toys can also be used as hooks or handles for drawers. Using them like this is a fun way to add some colourful decor to your children’s bedrooms and could be a fun project to work on together. 
  3. Swap them. Look to see if your local area has a sell and swap group on Facebook. Post your children’s old toys and see if other parents are willing to swap them for their children’s unwanted toys. You can keep new toys coming in without spending any money and help out other busy parents struggling to keep up with their kids’ changing tastes. 
  4. Sell them. If their old toys are still in good condition, you could sell them on to make some money to spend on new toys. List the toys on selling sites like eBay and see if you can find an interested buyer. To get the best price, take good, clear pictures of the toys and write up a description. Include details about any included items, like batteries and be open to negotiation on price. 

Get your children involved in deciding what they want to keep and which toys can be got rid of. Being involved in the process is a good way for young children to feel responsible, and if they get to decide what to keep, they won’t be upset about any of their toys being thrown out. They should also get to decide what happens to the toys that they decide they don’t want anymore. Talk them through the options and help them come to a decision about what they would like to do.

Whatever they choose to do, whether it’s donating the toys or making something new with them, they’ll feel better about the choice if they make it themselves. You’ll have room for new toys, which is good for you and your children. 

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