Wednesday 16 October 2013

What blogging means to me

For me, this blog is a kind of diary where I can share what's going on in my life, what's on my mind, new things I have found and love and an interactive way to document all of little man's milestones.

It started almost a year ago as a way for me to keep my family and friends, most of whom do not live nearby, up to date with each stage of my pregnancy. As bump's arrival into the world neared, I blogged more as I had more questions and more time on my hands.
Since late June, I've really put in a lot of time on this blog and it's great to know that it's read by so many lovely people now, with the majority of them being people I have, and probably will never, meet.

But that doesn't matter; through this blog and my Twitter page, I have 'met' so many nice new and expectant mums as well as people who share my love of crafts, homey bits and pieces, books, beauty products and, of course, babies.

Every day, my husband goes to work and for around 11 hours, I'm alone with my baby boy. Some days we have a mother and baby group to go to or a coffee date to keep but if not, the little guy is my only company. But actually, having my own corner of the web means I'm never really on my own. Any time of day or stupid'o'clock of night, my online friends are there sharing their worries, concerns, joys, moans and snapshots of their lives.

As I said, my family (which really is just my mum and dad) and my friends all live at least two hours away so aside from Ste's family, who are much closer, I have no support network to call on at short notice. I can't just pop to my mum's for a chat or hang out with my best friend. When we see each other, it's a date that's planned in the diary weeks in advance.

So for me, this blog is my space to speak about anything and everything that pops in my head. It makes me feel like I'm sharing my life, and Ethan's, with those who can't be in it every day as well as with other mamas who are going through or have been through the same things as me.

Blogging gives me a support network of lovely ladies who are there, day or night. It allows me to vent, to celebrate and to remember.

So thank you to you for reading this and for hopefully coming back again. It feels nice to know that your here and I love reading about your lives too. It's reassuring, entertaining and something I get an awful lot out of.

I hope that one day Ethan enjoys reading some of my posts - perhaps not the #treatyourselftuesday - so he can see how he has always meant the world to me and he can look at how he grew into the most wonderful son this mum could ask for

Why did you start blogging and what does it give you? I'd love to hear from you.



  1. This is a lovely post and I'm sure you're son will love reading back one day! I started blogging as a way of encouraging positivity among new mums, but I think my blog has really developed since I started it in June and I want it to be something of a vehicle.for making a difference, no matter how small. I love blogging and having some consistent writing whilst I'm working on my novel. It's such a great community to be part of too, I agree with you about meeting lots of nice people through twitter etc!!! X

    1. Thank you so much for your comment - you're pretty inspirational! It's amazing what you can get from blogging and like I said, I don't have a support network really nearby so having this daily contact with other mums is fantastic. Don't know what is do without it!

  2. Anonymous20.10.13

    It`s,nice to get a mention in your blog Kelly,as you say both mum and I are very proud of Ethan but also of you and Stephen,you make a fantastic family.I just have one thing to add,I think Ethan`s great uncle Tony deserves a mention as I know he is very fond of you all.Keep up the good work, Dad & Gramps. xxx


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