Sunday 31 August 2014

#mysundayphoto - selfie photobomb!

It's getting increasingly hard to take photos of Ethan, particularly together with hubs or myself, as he's easily distracted and always on the move. This photo was just a simple selfie but at the last minute, Ethan decided to try and press the camera buttons himself and our dog, Watson, decided to sneak in and get in on the action. It's not the best photo but it's unplanned and captures a funny family moment nonetheless.



  1. Haha I love it, love that the dog sneaked in too.
    Photos like this are the best, because while they may not be perfectly shot they really do capture the moment well x

  2. Haha I love this. My toddler will never pose for a photo nevermind a selfie shot, wee monkeys! lol x

  3. Our dog would so photobomb our selfies too - lovely 'of the moment' shot Happy Sunday to you all!
    Wren x

  4. Aww! What a lovely photo!

  5. Great photo! It's so hard when they just won't keep still :)

  6. Anonymous31.8.14

    I love this, you can't beat a family selfie

    Thank you for linking up

  7. Anonymous1.9.14

    Been like this with my son as well. A lot of photos you can only see his bum or its blurry =P #mysundayphoto


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