Monday 28 September 2015

The week that was #35

I've been writing these weekly updates for, well, 35 weeks now. I like summarising general life stuff into one post. You know, some weeks are quieter than others but it doesn't always have to be something 'big' to be worth documenting.

There's lots of different ways to pull together a weekly round up; I was joining in with #TWTWC by Make Do and Push, but she's taking a little break from this linky now. The lovely Kerri-Ann has her #LittleLoves posts which is a great summary of all the things she's loving right now, I've seen a few people do their week in pictures / my weekend in a nutshell type posts and Instagram snaps and Hayley from Home has her 'A Little Bit Lately' posts, which are along the same lines of how my 'The Week That Was' posts started.

So I guess these posts of mine could be tagged as any or all of the above - I'll just go with the flow and see where they sit each week.

The past week for me can be summarised, for the most part, with the following photos...

Top (L-R):
New hair - I wanted to go more vibrant so now my hair looks like it's on fire!
Pumpkin Spice Lattes for the win.
I've been stocking up on sticky notes and stationery nic naks galore.

Middle (L-R):
Early train journey to London - my survival kit.
Ethan's at a lovely stage and just growning so fast.

Bottom (L-R):
Cuddles with the hubs.
Even our animals know the seasons have changed and are spending more time at home.
This boy loves his stories and this new seasonal book has been very well read already.


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