Friday 28 July 2017

Mini lounge makeover part 2 - full reveal and finishing touches

I'm really excited to share with you the full review of our grey and yellow themed lounge, which we transformed in terms of decor and layout last year, and have just updated with some new finishing touches and two feature walls - with a little help from Posterlounge.

If you saw my mini makeover part one post last week, you'll have seen that we turned one big wall into a feature wall using eight alternative movie poster prints from the Harry Potter franchise that I picked out from the range online at Posterlounge. I love everything to do with the wizarding world of Harry Potter and these posters are so fun and really make an impact.

But I didn't just stop at one wall. Oh no!

I've always wanted to have a low picture rail to prop books, pictures and nic nacs on so focused next on the wall that our sofa rests in front of. We picked up two white picture rails from Ikea for less than £9 each and placed these side by side. With quite a collection of Harry Potter books and memorabilia (including a rose made from actual pages from a HP book, a letter from Hogwarts and a genuine wand I was given by a prop maker), I arranged my favourite items along this shelf to create a really interesting feature. I also added some copper wire star LED lights from Primark to add a finishing touch of sparkle.

And to finish the look, I hung three other posters from Posterlounge on the wall, alongside a couple of my clipboard prints that echoed the themes of magic. The three additional posters are in the same quirky alternative movie print style but are for other films that hubs and I love. The graphic style is really bold and they really do make this side of the room 'pop' and create plenty to look at and enjoy.

As I opted for black picture frames to hang our new prints, I added some black storage boxes to our Ikea unit on the opposite side of the room, and a couple of black cat print cushions, so that this accent appears in different areas to create a sense of balance and bring the updated look together.

I'm really pleased with the finished look and the effect our new prints give. Two relatively bland walls are now full of life and it reflects our personality and our interests too.

What do you think?

* Thank you to Posterlounge for the fab poster prints, available in different sizes, with mine being 30cm x 40cm for £8.90 each. All opinions are my own.


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